Tuesday, March 27, 2007

How Publicise Your Book

List all the organisations which might be interested in the subject of the book. This will include local radio, national radio, newspapers including local freebies, TV, magazines, local shops (not just book shops – Tourist Information and small village stores might be interested in carrying a small stock of books of local interest).

Now write some Press Releases to be sent out. If possible find their email addresses. Use these in the first instance but prepare an information pack to be sent as a follow up.

Send review copies to newspapers and magazines.

Put a box of your books in your car and contact bookshops direct.

One important thing to remember is that you are not selling a book, you are selling information or entertainment. People must feel that they can enjoy the success or emotions portrayed in your book.

They want to feel that your book is an upward step towards success. In other words you are selling dreams.

Another thing to remember is that many books, particularly hard backs, are sold as presents. Advertise as ‘The Perfect Present for – dog owners, bird watchers, train spotters, thriller readers, romantics or whoever.’

How to promote your book.

Free advertising


Interviews – Start with local newspapers and radio and TV. Local stories are always popular with the media. Make sure the title of your book is mentioned often.

Profiles – again you can send these in the form of Press Releases to the local media. If your book deals with a specific interest try relevant magazines etc.

Feature articles. Submit articles to magazines and newspapers relating to the subject of your book and make sure the book is mentioned in the credits.

Paid advertising in newspapers and magazines.

Offer you services to interested organisations as a speaker.

How to approach these people.
Send a Press Release, a photograph (not a snap), and a copy of the book.
If necessary follow up with a phone call.

For ideas to write articles that will improve your profile Click Here! or visit www.BAwriter.co.uk
What you must have to market your book successfully.

Enthusiasm for what you’ve written.

The knowledge that you have done your best.

Belief that what you have written is good.

Commitment and determination.

Understanding that only very rarely as authorship goes will readers beat a path to your door to buy your book.

Determination to do everything in your power to promote your book.

Above all write with passion.

Every writer knows the feeling. You have something to say, facts to impart or a story to tell. You know you can do it and so you get started.
Some people never get further than that.

But you have. Not only have you finished it, you want people to read it.
Believe me, writing your book is the easy part. Marketing your book is a different matter.

Computers have meant that many more people are writing. Publishers and agents are inundated with mss from hopefuls. Some work is so badly presented that it is returned to sender unread – provided they enclosed return postage. Work presented through an agent stand a better chance of being read, but finding an agent is something of a problem until you have some published work under your belt.

But there is light at then end of this tunnel of gloom.

Technology has made it much easier and cheaper to self-publish.
So you’ve got your books – not too many, I hope. Most of the short run printers will offer you advice about follow-up runs, etc. Many of them offer marketing facilities but don’t feel you can rely completely on their services. You must play your part too.

Nobody will buy a book they don’t know about.

If you haven't written your book yet Click Here! for helpful suggestions or visit www.BAwriter.co.uk